The BC Dairy Historical Society is a small non-profit organization that works on documenting British Columbia’s rich dairy history. This project involved working in a team to develop a complete re-brand of BCDHS to aid in their mission. Collectively my team and I developed a new logo, displayed on the right, and a new set of brand standards to ensure a consistent image is portrayed. Using the new brand elements, each team member was given a specific aspect to implement them. I elected myself the duty to apply the new brand standards to the website and improve the accessibility and user experience. These goals were achieved using an iterative design process and multiple steps of user testing to make certain that the user experience was straightforward and accessible.

How I got here?

My process starts with initial research and thumbnail sketching to get as many ideas on paper as possible. Next, I start creating low-fidelity mock-ups to begin user testing as soon as possible. Finally, after finishing user testing, implementing it and repeating, I developed a final design and prototype.


PERSONA 1: Cletus
He was born and raised in rural Chilliwack, BC, on his family’s dairy farm, which has been passed down for generations. He is 62 and semi-retired after working as a dairy farmer his whole life.

PERSONA 2: Molly
She is a 10 year old Grade 4 student at Bernard Elementary in Chilliwack, BC. She lives in the suburbs with her younger sister and parents.

PERSONA 3: Steven
He is 34 years old and was born in Abbotsford, BC. He moved into a small urban home in Vancouver, BC, when he was hired as a UBC professor six years ago.

User testing

User testing involved a card sort where Individuals organized navigation options into categories that made sense to them. Users also did a navigation walkthrough of the site to find where site navigation was consuming or inaccessible. User testing results were repeated and incorporated into the final design.

Before redesign

After redesign